Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Moan Moan Moan

This is all I seem to do lately as a stay at home Mum.
I have become one of the customers I hated, moaning about anything and everything, and sending complaint e-mails left, right and centre.
What is happening to me, I'm only 28?!
Today though I shall mostly be trying not to eat a whole family size bag of Reece's pieces......
that will be an epic FAIL

Monday, 17 October 2011

So This Is Me.....

I have always been told by various health professionals, to write your feelings down.
So here goes, after a lot of trauma in my life, I'm standing up to be counted and I'm going to work through all the crap.
After being inspired by watching a documentary on a young girl that used a blog to help her get through tough times, I'm going to do the same.
I want to use this blog as an uplifting toll, I want to feel better about myself, and the world!

So today my son had his parents evening, turns out he is not as much of a terror in school as I had first thought! Will have to get him to behave as well at home.

Currently on maternity leave, so I'm left alone with my own thoughts a lot, but more importantly with my 11 week old daughter, who made her first attempt at conversation today, well it was mostly dribble and poking out her tongue, interrupted by the odd gurgle, but to me it was blissful conversation!

Night world, if anyone is indeed out there, I will endeavor to return tomorrow for the self healing!